Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Scarlett the Sexiest


Are you animal, vegetable, or mineral? Mostly mineral.
Are you an athlete? Yes. If you consider sleeping eleven hours athletic.
Are you a politician? I'm politically active, but not a politician.
Are you a business leader? I'd like to think so.
Are you a religious figure? No. Absolutely not.
Are you a vegetarian? No. Do you have a tattoo? No. Not yet.
Do you have any piercings? Yes.
Have you ever been married to Tommy Lee? No. I'm missing two important things, as you can see.
Do you have an accent?We all have accents.
Do you prefer John Lennon or Paul McCartney? I'm a George Harrison kind of girl.
Have you inspired a song? Yes.
Do you have a blog? No.
Were you born before the end of the Vietnam War? No.
Have you ever appeared on a WB show?No, thankfully not.
Are you into Kabbalah? No.
Are you into Scientology? No.
Do you live in a trailer? Sometimes. But I don't sleep in one.
Do you like chunky peanut butter or creamy? Chunky.
Have you ever changed your hair color? Yes. But I'm naturally blond out of a bottle.
from Esquire